As a vertically integrated company, ALTR grows, cuts, polishes, and
manufactures in a dedicated diamond production facility, creating savings
and economies of scale that remain unrivaled in the world of created
diamonds. For our Select Retail Partners, this means ALTR can provide
not only loose diamonds but also fine diamond jewelry, created with gems
grown by ALTR. In these exclusive partnerships, we provide not only
quality control and assurance but also flexibility: ALTR can manufacture
your designs, or we are also able to curate and design collections
exclusively for retail partners under a co-branding arrangement.
North America
katrina@riamgroup.com +1 646 751 7578
New York
Katrina Harikissoon -
South Asia
Tonmoy@altr.nyc +919820068774
Tonmoy Gope -
East Asia
Hong KongTonmoy Gope
Tonmoy@altr.nyc +919820068774 -
info.bcn@altr.nyc +34 654 503 007
Alex Riu